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ISSUE 21 - December 2016

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Editorial (page 03)
Georgia Bladon

As 2016 draws to a close we celebrate another year of groundbreaking astronomy, followed every step of the way by an inspired and engaged public. We saw the first images from the public-led JunoCam, the world said a heartfelt goodbye to Rosetta, and the Pale Red Dot Project captured the imaginations of media and public around the globe.

In this issue of CAPjournal authors reflect on the successes and challenges of Massive Open Online Classes — a growing forum for learning that is still in its infancy — and we hear from the professionals on how astronomy communicators can get their press release noticed in the busy news marketplace. Plus detailed accounts from practitioners engaging publics with astronomy everywhere from remote villages in the Andean Mountains to bars across America.

Many thanks once again for your interest in CAPjournal, and I remind you that if you have an article to share with the community, would like to comment on articles in this or previous issues, or have a letter to the editor you would like us to publish you are welcome to get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you and happy reading,

Georgia Bladon
Editor-in-Chief of CAPjournal

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